Monday, March 24, 2008

Station 2 C shift

Today there was a choice of workouts to do. First was the National WOD: 30 muscle ups for time. Second was Cindy, and third was the concept 2 WOD, which was 12 rounds of 250m row followed by 45 seconds of rest. I put up this WOD because everyone like to use the rowers.

30 MU for time: Vandy- 9:14 (jumping MU with rings at 6')

Cindy: (as many rounds in 20 mins of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
Kong- 13
Morgan- 13 (first 7 assisted PU, the rest were ring rows)
Bob- 10
Vandy- 13 ( Started in when Jason was at 6-7 min in)

Concept 2 WOD:
Bob- 9:37.1
Keir- 9:50.8
Kong- 10:16.8
Les- 13:10.6
Joe- 12:24.0
Morgan- 11:45.9
Stan- 10:37.7

It was a surprise to see people doing a second workout! Nice job.

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