Friday, June 27, 2008

Ready, Set, ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We sat our asses in the rower seats, dug our heels in and tested ourselves today. Third day of the tour, there was talk of taking the day off, and then I said to myself - Did America quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? NO!!! Did Clinton stop commiting adultery after getting caught? NO!!! Does Harryman look forward to F.P'ing the Steamworks? YES!!! Did the Raiders quit when they continued to lose games year in and year out? YES!!! Does Guzman still own those salmon colored nutters? DUNNO!!!
What am I trying to say..........I have no freaking clue anymore. But what I do know is that we worked hard today. The workout was - Row 500 meters x6, with 1 minute rest between intervals for time. Here are the players and results.

Kandi - 2:08.3/2:03.6/2:06.2/2:06.6/2:03.6/2:02
Snelly - 2:08.7/2:03.4/2:06/2:05.1/2:08.7/2:04.8
Haryyman - 1:59.5/1:57/1:50/1:47/1:56.6/1:52
Lucero - 1:52.1/1:56.1/1:59.1/2:04/2:05.8/1:58.6
Whitey - 1:44.5/1:43.3/1:40.8/1:40.2/1:39.9/1:38.0

We've done this workout before and the reults were very good. Kandi, Snell and Whitey had inprovements in 5 of the 6 interval times. Harryman was coming off the hot apple trots the past week, but did improve in 3 of the six times. And Lucero we're trying to figure out what happened, he regressed in 4 or 5 of the 6 intervals. He confided to me in private that his pending vasectomy was at the forefront of his mind and that affected his performance. So I told him his secret was safe with me and not to worry about it, and we'd get 'em next time.


Vandy said...

Nice work. Bob saw your workout and did it instead of the KB/thruster/pull ups. I did not know a human had so many shads of purple.

Anonymous said...

Whitey, thanks so much for telling us about Lucero's impending vasectomy so we can help you keep it a secret. Vander, I may turn purple, but isn't that a bit more manly than little school girl grunts when someone lifts a hundred pounds? I don't know, maybe not.