Monday, August 11, 2008

It's All Above The Belt

Found my notes from the missing post from a week ago. It's a pretty good upper body workout. Christy Warren stopped in to join today and have a go at it. The time element of the workout is the rower. He/She rows for 1:20 while the other player(s) perform reps at a station. Count your reps and write it down, the workout is TWO rounds, you alternate between rower and a station. After you complete the FIVE stations, you get a two minute break, and repeat the workout. Curls were 45 lbs, Push Presses were 75 lbs for Harryman/Whitey. Christy did 35 lb curls and 65 lb Push Press. Sit Ups were on the GHD machine.

ROWER = TIMER--------1:20

Curls - 32/35
Push Ups - 50/44
Sit Ups - 36/34
Dips - 71/78
Push Press - 30/34

Curls - 25/33
Push Ups - 40/40
Sit Ups - 32/31
Dips - 28/36
Push Press - 25/25

Curls - 39/42
Push Ups - 54/53
Sit Ups - 38/38
Dips - 66/75
Push Press - 40/41

Harryman - 444
Christy - 315
Whitey - 486

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