Thursday, July 31, 2008

Longer Than It Seems.

Lets see, the last two workouts the A shift did were titled, "Harder Than It Looks", and "Longer Than It Seems". Not sure if I can say those things on a blog, but the workouts have a ring of truth to their titles. The workout the A shift did on 07/27 is listed below, and Humphrey gave it a try on 07/28. Players, times, and workout are listed below:

3 rounds for time:

Row - 800M/800M/800M
Kettle Bell SDLHP - 21/18/15 (24 or 16 kg)
Jump Rope - 150/150/150 passes for all 3
Push Press - 21/18/15 (75 lbs)
Knees To Elbows - 21/18/15


Harryman: 26:40
McKinney: 27:40
Humphrey: 26:11
Whitey: 20:56

Monday, July 28, 2008

CrossFit Total

I did the WOD and Bob did the A shift workout from yesterday (check for Whitey's post) I can't recall the details but Bob was working hard. Morgan also was partaking but was called away for a sign off. Anyway the WOD was CrossFit Total. The sum total of a 1 rep max lift of back squat, shoulder press and dead lift.
Back squat- 195
Shoulder press- 120
Dead lift- 265
Total- 580


Bob and myself tackled this workout last shift. I did the workout Rx'd (3 rounds of 800m run 50 back extension, 50 sit ups) and Bob sub'd 800m row 50 knee push ups and 50 sit ups.
Vandy- 17:45
Bob- 21:56

Thursday, July 24, 2008

2000 Meter Row

This was the National WOD from Tuesday. Short and sweet.

As a finisher Hump and Rankin raced a 500
Nice work!

Harder than it looks!!!

At least thats what we all said when it was all over. Not sure if it was the 'end of the tour' syndrome, or if it really is harder than it looks. Don't let the small rep numbers fool ya'. Here it is with participants and times below:

For time, 5 rounds total:

Row - 500/500/500/500/500 (meters)
Kettle Bell - 15/15/15/15/15 (16 kg)
Push Press - 15/10/15/10/15 (75 lbs)
Air Squats - 25/25/25/25/25
Wall Ball - 15/15/15/15/15 (14 lb)

The Body (snell) - 25:45
Dishwasher (harryman) - 25:07
Whitey - 21:27

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Big "Five-Oh". (50)

Made up a workout today similar to one CrossFit does, but more so in response to Adam "Lib." Cooke's comments regarding Snell and mine's age, and how it relates to his. So we wanted to show Cooke that us "old guys" can still get 'er done.
The workout consisted of 50 reps of the following exercises for time. Players and results are at the bottom. 50 reps of:

Box Jumps
Push Press (65 lbs)
Kettle Bell (12 kg)
Row (50 calories)
Knees to Elbows
Wall Ball (10 lbs)

Snell - 22:38
Harryman - 24:50
Seabass - 25:00
"Girl Scout" Cookie - 29:30 (stopped at 15 burpees)
Whitey - 18:56

The whole time during the workout Cooke was flapping his pie hole about, "These results dont mean anything, cuz we're gonna get the White House. Barak is the man". A true lib., trying to deflect attention away from the real topic.
I say - Stop the ObamaNation.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Man Overboard, A Shift Style!!

We saw the workout the C shift left on the white board and decided to give it a whirl. As it worked out because we had 4 players and the C shift had 6, we each had to do two 800 meter rows. The other stations were: Jumping Pull Ups/Air Squats/Jump Rope/Sit-Ups/Box Dips. Scores are posted below.

John "The Body" Snell - 815
Sebastian "Black Socks" Barbosa - 833
Brian "Mr. Perfect" Harryman - 701
Kevin "Lucifer" White - 1033

We finished and peered at the C shifts scores and collectively said W.T.F is up with the C shift. Some 400's for totals...........................WEAK. A shift rules again, enough said, out.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Look out! Man overboard

Today we did a Man overboard workout with:
Jumping Pull ups
Sit ups
Box dips
Jump rope
and 800 m row as the timer.

We did one round with total reps counted.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

10K Run or Row

10K what???? I was able to sucker... I mean convince Bob to partake in this death march. Anyway I ran on the Sunset bay view trail in Joaquin Miller Park this morning before work and Bob did it on the rower.

I joined Bob and did the A shift workout from yesterday for moral support. It is a great workout.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

5000 Meter Row - Interval Style

Decided to do the 5000 meter row a little different today. Found a custom workout in the Concept II that breaks it up into 4 intervals, with a 3 minute rest between cycles. The distances are 2000/1500/1000/500. Snell, Harryman, Cooke, Barbosa, and White were the participants. Results are below:

Player 2000 M/1500 M/1000 M/500 M/Total 5000 M
Snell 8:57.1/ 6:41.4/ 4:26.7/ 1:59.7/ 22:04.9
Harryman 8:02.7/ 5:59.2/ 4:13.8/ 1:48.6/ 20:04.6
Cooke 7:38.0/ 5:42.0/ 3:51.5/ 1:44.6/ 18:56.1
Barbosa 8:38.8/ 6:26.5/ 4:18.4/ 2:02.0/ 21:36.7
White 7:09.5/ 5:21.9/ 3:33.9/ 1:43.3/ 17:48.7

Good workout, I suggest giving it a try. The 3 minute rest is very beneficial. Allows for some needed recovery. But that goes away as you get into the next cycle.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


For time:

100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats

Bob-20:00 (Jumping pull ups, push ups from knees)
Morgan-19:00 (Jumping pull ups, 1/2 of the push ups from knees)
B.Law-31:40 (jumping pull ups, 80 push ups 1/2 from knees, 70 sit ups, 50 squats)
Vandy-18:00 Rx'd

There is lots of ways to scale this workout as you can see by the way everyone did it differently. Either way it is still hard anyway you cut it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Full house beats a three of a kind

Today we had a full house for the workout. With a little pear pressure and Bob calling everyone out on the PA it work. Only two no shows. Anyway we put together a little circuit interval workout consisting of:
Push ups
Sit ups
20" box jump
20# dumbbell push press
Row for calories
20# slam ball
35# Kettle bell

The workout was 1 min of work followed by 45 sec of rest. 2 rounds total.
Keir-574 (box step ups)
Morgan-556 (box step ups)
Gabriner-no score (box step ups)
Bobby law-no score (box step ups)
Zuk- 1 round

Everyone did a great job after all the yelling, kicking, and scratching.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pull up ladder

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Myself, Patrick, & Alfonso did this workout @ Station five and again it is a B*T#H of a workout. We all compleated 14 rounds just befor the "bell" so round 15 was a scramble to see how many total we could get before time ran out.
Patrick 14 rounds + 6 or 8 (I can't recall)
Alfonso 14 rounds + 10
Vandy 14 rounds + 10

FYI: 14 rounds + 10 is a total of 115 pull ups, in 15 minutes! All pull ups were done to full ROM, arms fully extended to chin over the bar. Well done.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Punisher Strikes Back

Went to the standy tactics once again. A good solid circuit workout. Good luck.

Round 1
Row - 40 calories
Kettle Bell - 20
SDLHP - 15 (65 lbs)
Tri Dips - 25
Jump Rope - 100 passes

Round 2
Row - 50 calories
Kettle Bell - 20
SDLHP - 15
Tri Dips - 25
Jump Rope - 100 passes

Round 3
Row - 50 calories
Kettle Bell - 20
SDLHP - 15
Tri Dips - 25
Jump Rope - 100 passes

Round 4
Row - 40 calories
Kettle Bell - 20
SDLHP - 15
Tri Dips - 25
Jump Rope - 100 passes

This one hurt for some reason, not sure if it was the progression of the events or what. But we were all hurting for air. But we overcame and crossed the finish line. Times below.

Snelly - 30:30
Harryman - 27:20
Whitey - 22:10

The Dumbells work out with the dumbells.

We decided to try something a little different today and worked out with dumbells only. Concentrating on shoulders and biceps. Juan Sebastian Carlos Mendoza Martinez Pedro Barbosa came to join us today. Here was the workout:

Push-ups: 25/24/23/22/21/20

SHOULDERS (choose your own weight)
Alternating Overhead Press: 15-20 reps X 3 sets
Seated Fly's: 15-20 reps X 3 sets
Swimmers Press: 15-20 reps X 3 sets
V ups: 15-20 reps X 3 sets (used kettle bells for this one)

BICEPS (choose your own weight)
One arm concentration curls: 15-20 reps X 3 sets
Seated curls: 15-20 reps X 3 sets
Alternating Fixed Arm Curls: 4x4x4x4 2 sets
21's: 3 sets. (7 hanging to halfway up/7 from top down to halfway/7 full curls)

We finished off with a 2000 meter row. I wasn't to hard on these guys today was I? Well, here it is two days later and we're all pretty sore.

Individual Row Workout

On my own today, so I tooled around in the workout section of the rower and found this little doozy:

Row for 1:40 seconds/:20 second rest between intervals X 9. Count the meters rowed per interval. My results below:

1) 481
2) 461
3) 466
4) 468
5) 478
6) 476
7) 472
8) 471
9) 489

That 20 second rest aint much as you get deeper into the intervals. Good way to build speed.