Sunday, May 11, 2008

"@#&*%! Burpee's". -unknown inner voice-

Another circuit today, followed by a formal introduction and video presentation on the GHD. Folks are getting fit, many sig. others are mentioning to some people that they see a difference in their bodies - right Snell and Brian?
Today's workout was timed, 25:00 minutes, do as many cycles as you could of the following:

Row - 500 M
Sit ups - 25
Burpee's - 20
Push Press - 15 (White/Harryman 75 lbs., Gill/Snell 65 lbs.)
Wall Ball - 20 (14 lbs.)

Harryman - 4 complete
Snell - 3 + 3/5
Gill - 3 + 4/5
White - 4 + 3/5

Whew, each did 2-3 sets of 10 GHD sit ups after trained on it.

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